Diatomite Heim(Paint Type) 18kg, 10kg

Social contribution

Diatomite Heim(Paint Type) 10kg
Diatomite Heim(Paint Type) 10kg
Diatomite Heim(Paint Type) 18kg
Diatomite Heim(Paint Type) 18kg

Main component - Diatomite

Main component
Constructed Area & Net weight
approx. 36㎡/1container(18kg), approx. 20㎡/1container (10kg)
Adoptable Material
plaster board, concrete,  concrete block, cement mortar plastering surface, ALC block,
ALC Panel, PC panel, interior wall & ceiling

Special feature
alkali resistance ☑ moisture absorption and desorption ☑F☆☆☆☆ ☑Fungus resistant

<Detail Information>

Paint type diatomite heim has been developed with the same quality and better convenience.  

Paint type diatomite heim can save more than 60% of the price comparing to mortar type. 

And it can cover bigger space with just one roller more easily and quickly.

Even a beginner can apply it very easily in the way they want and the quality of the product still stays the same.

<How to apply>

①  Open up the lid of Diatomite Heim.

②  Prepare a paint roller.

③  Put the fabric tape on the crack between.(the reason of using fabric tape is to apply the paint evenly on the joint or crack)

④  Put protection tape on the pillar and moulding.

     (To prevent diatomite stained on the pillar or moulding. Considering thickness of coating, better to leave 3mm space from the wall.

⑤  Roughly apply diatomite using roller on the area covered with fabric tape and on the holes and scars.

⑥  Using Roller, apply as thick as it can totally cover fabric tape.

⑦  Remove fabric tape and assisting tape.


<A variety of color>

<Example of construction>

<Diverse pattern>