Safety Environmental Management

Making eco-friendly products through ISO14001 Safety Environmental Management System.

Safety Environmental Management


Diatomite World Co., Ltd. obtained ISO 14001 Quality Management Certificate. Adding environmental element in management, Diatomite World Co., Ltd. will keep its managing philosophy promoting sustainable development to minimize environmental damage

Diatomite World Co., Ltd. will preoccupy the firm place with its differentiation in the diatomite market through its environmental management responding effectively to various environmental challenges.  

We will minimize negative effect of our activity towards the environment, regulate structure, responsibility and protocol to achieve concrete goals, allocate management resources effectively and eventually establish the system firmly.

1. Building up eco-freindly company culture

2. Developing Environmental Performance                         Evaluation Techniques

3. Environmental Performance Evaluation                           System establishment

4. Developing Management Analysis                                   Techniques in consideration of evironment

5. Developing environment training program

6. Adopting environment audit system

7. Building up environmental management                       information system

Diatomite World Co., Ltd. sets environmental management

Diatomite World Co., Ltd. sets environmental management as its company management strategy, looks for the negative factors to environment of its activity and removes those factors.  
 We set the concrete goal of our environmental management as above, and established programs to execute and operate our goals.
We scan the operation system through weekly environmental management meeting and correct the errors.
 We train managers with EMS practical guidelines and try to pursue our company’s financial goal and environmental improvement simultaneously.

Kwon Gil-Sang

CEO, Diatomite World Co., Ltd.