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“Diatomite Heim, Aqua Herbal Diatomite”

Diatomite world

  The bread in wall paper and diatomite of company A has molded quickly; on the other hand, the bread in Diatomite Heim and Aqua Herbal Diatomite has molded slowly and tomatoes also do not rot easily.

Diatomite Heim, Aqua Herbal Diatomite has high diatomite content and the antioxidant activity of diatomite can help to maintain tomato's freshness.

  While the tomato in wall papers and diatomite of company A rot quickly, the tomato in Aqua Herbal Diatomite has been preserved.

Aqua Herbal Diatomite has high diatomite content and the antioxidant activity of diatomite can help to maintain tomato's freshness.

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“Humidity control capacity of Diatomite Heim and Aqua Herbal Diatomite

Diatomite World

Humidity control capacity of Diatomite Heim and Aqua Herbal Diatomite

Place a cup of warm water in wall papers, Diatomite Heim, Aqua Herbal Diatomite.

The moisture immediately starts to rise in the wallpaper and the humidity increases to 75%.

There is no moisture in Diatomite Heim and Aqua Herbal Diatomite and the humidity rises up to 39%.

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“Fire resistance of Diatomite Heim and Aqua Herbal Diatomite

Diatomite World

  As soon as the plaster board with wall paper is ignited, it burned quickly and emitted gas and smoke.

  The plaster board burns and black charcoal remains.

  The fire wouldn't light on the plaster board installed with Diatomite Heim and only brown marks are remained. This is due to the insulation of diatomite with porosity.

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“The Hygroscopicity of Diatomite Heim Paint

Diatomite World

Diatomite paints of companies A and B do not differ in terms of chemical paint and functions. Diatomite powder is added to the chemical paint

On the contrary, the diatomite paint of the company C and Diatomite Heim have good absorptiveness and no chemical paint smell.

In particular, Diatomite Heim paint is highly hygroscopic.